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Sunday, November 2, 2014

New Photos of the Old Me

Andree Seu Peterson has the same problem with her newest picture, that I have with mine – they reveal change – and changes we aren’t so crazy about revealing.  (The New Photos) It was a timely reflection, given my recent high school reunion. I came across three photos that testify that not only are gray hairs victorious in my formerly colored head of hair – but gravity and girth are more obvious than I wish -- but hey – if you enjoy eating a little too much, and dread exercising – spread happens.

The first photo is fifty years old – that’s half a century in other words. I thought I was overweight. The next photo is thirty years old – I knew I was plump. The last one – I see I am quite substantial.   

I thought I’d never get to graduation from high school --  It’s true what Robert Southey observed: Live as long as you may, the first twenty years are the longest half of your life. ~  The Doctor .  (Note in this book, you will find dear reader, the first story of the Three Bears)

The second twenty years of my life, when I woke up in my forties – my age in the second photo – zoomed by. Who knew so much could be packed into so little time?   The most recent score, though, broke the sound barrier! Who is this woman in the last picture?

I don’t feel older than I did at 18 – except when I try to stand up to quickly from a seated position. So, looking in a mirror longer than to see  if I’m decent isn’t a good use of time.  A quick glance at reality, and I can replace my self-awareness with . . . other images.  I may not see myself as that bright-eyed brunette – but somewhere between the strawberry blonde and the gray-haired granny.

Ironically, the keepsake 50th reunion coffee mug faded as fast as the current memory of my real reflection in the mirror.  It was inscribed with a maroon emblem, and the occasion – 1964-2014. But apparently, my dishwasher, which doesn’t always get the dirty dishes clean, washed off the burgundy crest and date.  That’s convenient.
The truth is: I still have a full deck; I just shuffle slower now. ~Author Unknown

·      The comfort is: It's sad to grow old, but nice to ripen. ~Brigitte Bardot

·      And my prayer for thee and me is: Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty — they merely move it from their faces into their hearts. ~Max Buxbaum

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