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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Today is Extra Terrestrial Abduction Day.

Here’s a link: Extra Terrestrial Abduction Day.  One of the simple pleasures I enjoy in Texas is a radio station that plays classical music and works hard for have DJ’s and programming that appeals to a wide audience. So, in addition to hearing and learning about music, I learn stuff I never knew. (Classical Music)
And spring arrived at 7:31 A.M. Spring is nature’s way of saying “Hey, Let’s party.” (Robin Williams)

That oak tree across the street is getting dressed: it has a gold/green haze that popped out in what seemed like one day – the drey, or squirrel’s nest -- is less distinct against the morning sky. And in an email meditation, I read

When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.
--- John Muir

I look out the window and see beauty I had no hand in creating – I am listening to music whose sounds delight and whose origin are another human’s gifts. Balance, order, and purpose in what I see and hear – until the news breaks through.  And I learn of troubles that are assailing people – troubles I didn’t cause, and can’t control or cure.  It seems like chaos. So, today’s electronic message counsels:

Even in the face of day-to-day uncertainties, we are reassured by the order and symmetry of the universe.  The unvarying cycles of nature --- the precise arrival of this season --- remind us of God's ability to bring harmony to all things. Through the orderly unfoldment of nature, we are shown once again that we can rely unreservedly on His wisdom and power, now and forever.

Nature is a splendid declaration of God’s handiwork – John Muir, though steeped in the Bible, preferred natural revelation to God’s word.  (Wiki on John Muir) When life gets crazy and mean, looking at nature does bring a sense of calm – but what about when people I love get weird. Or, when I get crazy and mean?

Staring at a tree only helps so far – and the pain of broken relationships or thoughts isn’t always lulled away with good music. Here’s where Scripture helps – it gets at why spring is so dazzling, but depression is such a reasonable response when we take a good look at the world around us – and within us. (See Psalm 19)

The God of my understanding is One who is faithful – especially in crazy, mean and dark times. Jeremiah described His unfailing provision in the midst of awful troubles – troubles Jeremiah did not cause and surely could not control. Jeremiah had a rough time telling Israel the truth about her coming troubles – nobody wanted to hear it – he wound up in more than one pit, from which the Lord delivered him. The prophet felt walled in, with no clear way of escape – and his prayers bounced off the ceiling. Being beamed up by an extra-terrestrial might have been a huge blessing!  But Jeremiah looked to the unseen hand of God and remembered the mystery of God’s wrath and His mercy. (Lamentations 3)  

Some might hope that they will never meet Jeremiah’s God; I hope I will.

. . . Change and decay in all around I see;
O Thou who changest not, abide with me. (Abide with Me, by Henry Lyttle)

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