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Friday, May 11, 2012

On the Porch with Solomon

Quiet time on the back porch was almost too chilly – but a cup of coffee warmed the blood and kept it moving to old bare toes.  We have had so many lovely days! I know that this time in July and August sitting outside with java and classical music won’t be so appealing.  Grateful,  I read a bit from a John Piper’s book, Bloodlines: Race, Cross, and the Christian. And I filled again with sadness that times are so troubling.

My campground, as I said, is Ecclesiastes, a book I read through in two mornings. And I am reading from the Daily Walk’s Living Bible translation, which includes some handy goads and pithy commentary.  The editors ask me to answer:

·      Where am I looking for satisfaction?
·      Have I found it there?
·      If not, why not? And
·      What would Solomon’s counsel be to me?

Who wrote Ecclesiastes and when is debatable according to Wikipedia. I will refer to Solomon as its author, knowing its insights may not have been recorded in the 9th century BC, but as late as 200 BC – a time while Israel longed for a word from God, as she sunk under foreign domination. 

Solomon had wealth and wisdom –  he also had health and strength. He had perspective – and was able to see a bigger picture than many men. But he had no peace. In his opinion,
. . . nothing is worthwhile; everything is futile . . .
No matter how much we see, we are never satisfied;
no matter how much we hear, we are not content. (Ecclesiastes 1:2,11)

Yes, but . . .

Coffee and classical music on a chilly May morning in Texas ain’t half-bad.  And having  even 15 minutes to think, reflect, and pray is a luxury many women don’t have – it's more than all right. Maybe just reading about the issues Dr. Piper raises will weave a thread of understanding, conscience and courage in me to stand against mistrust, hatred and separation among Americans if only for today.

I love my country – I grieve for our failures and I ask God to give His church here a fresh start, making us comforting, kind and transparent in uncertain times.

Note: the bottle of red pepper flakes in the photo is my current weapon against the burrowing squirrels who forget where they have hidden last year's acorns. 

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